Who are we?
Riding motorcycles for a few years, and great fan of Harley, I managed to get myself an awesome Sportster!
Very inspired by the tv show SON Of ANARCHY, and also wanting to customize my ride, I went to see the aftermarket options at HD and others.
Surprise! Even the simplest customizations cost an eye... Since then, I have been looking for quality after market accessoiries that would remain afordable.
If it s good for me, then it can be good for others and it s how PimpMySPorts is born because nobody wants to sacrifice everything for a fairing or forward controls.
All the products proposed on the website are adaptable to our Sportster. They have been tested and aproved before beeing available. This is why you won t find everything here, it takes time but we are working on it.
On behalf of the team, I wish you a good and long ride.